Home PL/Unit - Test Driven Development for Oracle
Installing PL/Unit
Installing PL/Unit
Installing PL/Unit
PL/Unit is a lightweight unit testing package. There are no new database tables, views, or other objects required to use PL/Unit. The only object installed on the database is the actual PLUNIT package itself. It is self configuring, so once installed, it is maintenance free. PL/Unit requires Oracle 8i or greater in order to compile correctly.
Currently, the PL/Unit package is distributed wrapped; however, in the near future, the source will be openly available for download, along with the unit tests for the package.
To install PL/Unit:
Download the zip file
Unzip the contents to a directory
Log into SQL*Plus as a user that can create packages, public synonyms, and grant execute to public.
Run the install_plunit.sql from SQL*Plus
Some of the PL/Unit routines require access to data dictionary objects. Each database user that uses PL/Unit must have the following privileges. Without these privileges, PL/Unit may not operate correctly: